“I have become a stronger servant leader.”
I am so grateful to have the opportunity to meet with Michelle twice a month for coaching sessions. I have been meeting with Michelle for over a year now. When we first started meeting together, I had personal goals in specific life areas that I wanted to conquer. Over time our meetings have fused both ministry and personal life together. I have seen God's faithfulness over and over through my coaching sessions. Simply having the ability to talk through situations, focus on a specific issue or goal, and then watch how it plays out in the next weeks or months has been a beautiful journey. I have become a stronger servant leader, mother, wife and Christ follower. Coaching has helped me to present my ideas and thoughts before God in a clear way, and because of that, I am able to see how God's plans for my life are laid out before me. Michelle is extremely gifted in the area of coaching. She has been such an important part of my life. I would wholeheartedly recommend her as a mentor and coach to anyone seeking to make positive changes in their life and work towards who God created them to be! ~ Amanda |
“I truly feel fortunate in the things you challenge me with spiritually!”
I feel that especially working in ministry, it is so important to talk about your ministry with someone else in confidence who can provide support, encouragement, another perspective and direction. That is exactly what you have given me!! It is a positive outlet that anyone in ministry would benefit from. I truly feel fortunate in the things you challenge me with spiritually, professionally, and personally - because all three of those things go hand in hand. And when one is off, it affects the others. Half the goals we set for myself 6 months ago I truly thought would not be obtained. Through prayer and perseverance from YOU in supporting me, I reached most of those goals. I cannot thank you enough for your support, your friendship, and your expertise in guiding me in this crazy thing we call LIFE. ~ Nancy |
“My favorite time of the month!”
My appointments with Michelle were my favorite time of the month! God used that time to bring clarity to all different areas of my life. This was the time and the place where I could sort through some of the challenges that ministry brings. It was the one place I felt safe to be honest about my feelings. In ministry, we can't be transparent with just anyone. Just by Michelle asking questions and probing my heart, she was able to help me draw out the answers I was looking for to certain problems or situations. Countless times I found out things about myself that I didn't even know I was dealing with, just through our conversations. Michelle provides a safe, nonjudgmental, loving, and VITAL opportunity for women in ministry! ~ Becky |
“I have been greatly impacted and encouraged.”
God used my time with Michelle to bring clarity, in a season of confusion. I was at a point in life where I wasn’t sure what to do next. I knew God had great plans for my life, but I wasn’t sure what that looked like practically. My time spent with Michelle helped me gain understanding about the God given vision for my life, and more specifically what that looked like in taking steps towards the next season of life. I have been greatly impacted and encouraged by my time with Michelle. ~Taylor |